Batter flours

Batter flours are processed flours used as the base for one, two, or three-stage batters.
- stable viscosity of batter
- good adhesion to the product
- retention of juiciness and flavor of the coated product
- improvement of crispiness in wet batter
- improvement of breading color after frying
- stability of wet batter after preparation
- smooth flow of batter on the production line
- clean label
- natural product with a reduced level of microbiology
- dry coatings – predust
- wet batters – used as a base or additive
- production of chilled and frozen breaded food
- excellent for use in the meat, fish, and fruit-vegetable industries
SILESIAN Flour Sp. z o.o.
ul. Przemysłowa 34
57-220 Ziębice
NIP: 8871806124
REGON: 022089856
KRS: 0000452675
BDO: 000107964